43 photos   4385 visits

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Hi:) I'm just a simple girl:) I wanna find the fakes and the real celebrities:) So,you can't lie me anymore:) B'cuz I am not stupid ...The fakes are:) So, I'll tell you in the next albums what you have do to believe in you:) So,good luck =] ...
Keep Rockin` guys!!![>:D<]
I made this:)
I made this:)

Comments • 8

xMileysLover2010 11 July 2010  
Hiii`` :]
MileyCPrincess 10 July 2010  
Hey ya` ! I am a simple girl too! I want to be your friend.
Just if you want too.. Byess
xFakesAndReals 10 July 2010  
of course i want :)
ColeSprouse 10 July 2010  
Hey'a! Nice to meet you! :)
Justine 10 July 2010  
DownFakesUpReals 10 July 2010  
Hi :]
MillyAndBecky 10 July 2010  
Hey :] U Rock :]
MileyPrincessOfTheSmile 10 July 2010  
hello :)
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